
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tumor grade

Sometimes Doctors group brain tumors by grade, from low grade (grade I) to high grade (grade IV). From high-grade tumors Cells look more abnormal and usually grow faster than low-grade tumors cells.
Primary brain tumors:

Tumors that start in brain tissues. It is called as primary tumors of the brain. Primary brain tumors are named according to the type of cells or the part of the brain in which they begin.
Gliomas is the most common primary brain tumors. They begin in Glial Cells. There are many types of gliomas:
  • Astrocytoma. The cancer arises from star-shaped glial cells called Astrocytes. Astrocytomas arise, in adults in the cerebrum. In children, it occur in the brain stem, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. A grade III astrocytoma is sometimes called an anaplastic astrocytoma. A grade IV astrocytoma is usually called a glioblastoma multiforme.
  • Brain stem glioma. This type of  tumor occurs in the lowest part of the brain. Brain stem gliomas most often are diagnosed in middle-aged adults and young children.
The other types of Primary brain tumors are:
Ependymoma Oligodendroglioma Medulloblastoma Meningioma Schwannoma Craniopharyngioma

Friday, February 11, 2011

Secondary brain tumors:

When cancer spreads from its main place to another part of the body, the fresh tumor has the same kind of abnormal cells and also has the same name as the primary tumor. Cancer which spreads from brain to another part of the body is different from a primary brain tumor. When cancer cells spreads to the brain from another organ (such as the lung or breast), doctors may call the tumor in the brain a secondary tumor or metastatic tumor. Secondary tumors in the brain is more common than primary brain tumors.

The following risk factors are linked with an increased chance of increasing a primary brain tumor:
1: Being male. Generally, brain tumors are more common in males than the females. However, meningiomas tumor are more general in females.
2: Race. In white people Brain tumors occur than among the people of other races.
3: Age. Mostly brain tumors are detected in peoples who are 70 years old or older. However, brain tumors is most common cancer in children. (The most common childhood cancer is Leukemia). Brain tumors are more common in children who are 8 years old than in older children.
4: Family history. The family members who have gliomas may be more likely to expand this disease.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Symptoms Of Brain Tumor

The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor type, size, and location. Symptoms may be caused when a tumor presses on a nerve or damages a certain area of the brain. They also may be caused when the fluid builds up within the skull or brain swells.

These are the most common symptoms of brain tumors:

     1: Headaches (usually worse in the morning)
     2: Nausea or vomiting
     3: Changes in speech, vision, or hearing
4: Problems balancing or walking
5: Changes in mood, personality, or ability to concentrate
6: Problems with memory
7: Muscle jerking or twitching (seizures or convulsions)
8: Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
These symptoms are not confident signs of a brain tumor. Other situation also could cause these problems.  If anyone have these symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible. Only a doctor can diagnose and treat the problem.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Types Of Brain Cancer In Children

As we think that, about all the problems that can come up and how long treatment takes can affect not only the person who has it, but also the people around them. Types Of Brain Cancer In Children As we think that, about all the problems that can come up and how long treatment takes can affect not only the person who has it, but also the people around them.  Bone cancer is one such example and is a type that is often overlooked, but it's never too early for us to become informed about it.
More than 2,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with bone cancer or a bone tumor each year. The tumors often occur in children and adolescents more than it occurs in adults. If an adult does have bone cancer, it's most likely because the disease has spread from another area in the body.
There are several types of bone cancer and the most common is called Osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is primarily a malignant form of the cancer occurring mainly in males between 10 to 25 years of age. The cancer forms in the long bones of the arm and legs at time of rapid growth rate.
Another form of bone caner is Ewing's sarcoma. This is the most aggressive form of bone cancer and occurs in children between 4 to 15 years of age. It is more common in males but rarely occurs if they are over 30 years old.


It is a commonly asked question, How to prevent skin cancer. The frequently used saying that prevention is the best cure holds true for skin cancer as it does for other skin and health problems. Fortunately, skin cancer prevention is a well understood area.
By far the best skin cancer prevention method is to avoid or limit exposure to the sun. This also applies to the use of tanning beds or tanning booths or sun lamps. Most harm to the skin occurs during the midday hours or from 10:00am to 4:00pm and therefore it is best to stay out of the sun during this time. However, this is not always practical for many individuals and therefore when outside during these hours one should where a hat, appropriate sun glasses, stay in shaded areas, and wear long sleeve shirts and long pants. If the skin is directly exposed to the sun, either due to wearing a swimsuit or regular summer clothing, then a sunscreen should be used. Recommendations for the minimum SPF factor to use vary, but ensure that the sunscreen is at least SPF 15 or higher. To be safe, go for SPF 30. Be sure to reapply often, especially if sweating a lot or swimming. Ensure that the sunscreen has not expired. If in doubt, purchase a new batch to ensure maximum protection is provided. Use of expired products can lead to serious sunburns and long term negative skin effects.
The above recommendations address the how to prevent skin cancer question. Other things to keep in mind when thinking about how to prevent skin cancer is that some individuals need to take more precautions than others. For example, fair skinned individuals, individuals with a lot of moles, people with weakened immune systems, and individuals with a family history of skin cancer problems need to take extra care and need to be more diligent in knowing how to prevent skin cancer.
Keeping your immune system healthy by eating properly and consuming lots of antioxidant rich foods, exercising regularly, reducing stress, and getting proper rest, are all factors that contribute to preventing skin cancer.
Finally, skin cancer prevention extends to early detection. Successful early detection can prevent skin cancer from becoming worse and it greatly increases the odds of a successful treatment and excellent 5 year survival rate.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brain Cancer By Mobile Phone

According to the newspaper” The Independent”, a renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Vini Khurana strongly demonstrates that large use of  mobile phone, radiation will result in brain cancer and neighboring tissue damage. This happens because when the signals are weak or low then the battery searching for the signals or cell phone takes more power output. At this time it radiates harmful radiations which can harm the human body particularly the human brain. These harmful radiations damage the tissues which can lead to brain cancer. In October, the evidences have shown - exclusively reported in the North America, which using handsets for 8 years or more can twice the risk of brain cancer. Cancer develops at least 5 years, invalidating official safety assurances based on earlier studies which included few, if any, citizens who had used the phones for that long.
Most of the citizens are not aware of this dangerous cancer. And we can not abolish the use of cell phone in our daily life. So here the solution comes­-
Cell Phone Signal Booster: The cell phone signal booster or Cell phone signal amplifier: boosts the signals up to 5-times the input to it. The amplifier amplifies the weak signals and build them enough strong that the cell phone battery is not used much. So the cell phone will not emit the harmful radiations, and this is how you can prevent brain cancer. Other advantage is that the wireless phone signal booster makes it possible to use your  cell phones deep inside the buildings. In addition, the cell phone signal booster reduces the overall radiation produced by cellular phones. Wilson cell phone booster:is most recommended.